
Mobilities - Poland

Just a few days after mobility in Latvia, Poland had pleasure to be a host of fourth study visit within the frames of Living History project. It took place between 14th and 18th August.


Visitors from Italy, Cyprus, Romania and Turkey had chance to take part in one of the biggest Early Medieval Festivals - “Two faces” (pl. Dwa Oblicza), happening in an Open – Air Museum Carpathian Troy (Pl. Karpacka Troja) in Trzcinica.


The Festival each year provides viewers with a wide range of fascinating Medieval activities such as:

  •   warriors combats and games
  •   traditional handicraft
  •   medieval pastimes, cuisine and delicacies


Participants not only saw but also became a part of community that existed ten centuries ago. Thanks to various workshops provided by members of historical reenactment group “Leśny Witeź”.


Visitors had chance to:

  • play a Medieval Game Kubb and try archery,
  • learn how to weave and make their own selvages
  • participate in preparing and tasting food made in a traditional way, used ages ago


All that gave them chance to move back in time and have more hands-on experience how the idea of LIVING HISTORY is being implemented in Poland.

The fourth mobility was also a chance to learn more about modern Poland, its traditions and because of location of the Festival – explore pristine nature in the countryside.


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